
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Page 46 of 366: Sorry I was Oblivious

Sorry. I am oblivious about this things. I hope you know. Aku pernah tercakap macamni depan hayat, nobita and faiz. 


Pasal hadiah tu, kalau kau xtahu sebabnya.. memang every parting/ school leave aku kasi hadiah kt orang yg aku rasa most special. Jangan fikir lain. Jangan selalu fikir negative. 


Dont ever think I didn't care.


Sorry I was not there for you when you needed me. When you asked where I was, I was at home. When I came to your room, You're out. That time when Im at home, I called to check on you. You said you're ok about this. How am I supposed to know that you're not if you wouldn't even say, "no, im not okay". Lastly, sorry sangat2 pasal exited lebih. You know how I am about everything.

 [Please Read]

Page 46 of 366: Sending Away the Moon

A couple of days ago, a small group of my old school mates and I accompany Munzir, our school mate at the airport. He looked awesome ( as always!). Plain dark blue shirt with black pants. Dressed up and ready to go. :D Its been a while since i send someone at the airport. last time was Alan who was going to New York. but he was from a different school than Munzir. Mun was going to Melbourne, Australia.

Glad I managed to arrive on time there. Before I had a problem about transport. didnt manage to get a vehicle to get from my college to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). Luckily some friends from Malaysian-France Institute (MFI) got hold of a car and went to pick me up before they head out. If 10 minutes later, I would have missed him.

Glad I came cuz at the airport, there was my old buddies from school. Last time I saw them was when I took the School Leaving Cert (SPM) results. Missed them soooooooo much!! :DD We ate McDonalds afterwards, just for a quick dinner.... because Nasuha had to leave quick to Shah Alam before curfew. (At this age, still have curfew ey? zzz) Shux made a promise to be there when I'll be going to Germany next time. :) Thanks Shux :))

[The moon wears black and blue. Good luck in Melbourne bro!!]

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Page 35 of 366: Pointing to the Bayern Map

Yay! got my placement already!! I'll be going to CDC München. Flight is on 17th of March. ~(=.=)~
For my batch, there are 5 language institutes that you can register to. and those are:-

-CDC München
-Uni Regensburg
-BCU Regensburg

Glad I got Munich, cuz its smack in the middle of the city. Im hoping at night it gets a lot more exiting. Haha.
The Allianz Arena is around 14mins distance by car. weather or not ill be going there, i have no idea yet. 

Those guys at Regensburg arent so bad themselves... Regensburg is from what ive heard a shopping district. No problems finding things to buy there I guess. Just remember to save some money for later. :D 

One of the personnel whos taking care of the gapp students in Bavaria have a 'kampung' in Weilheim. Miss Mas had assigned most of the girls there to that language school. Do they need special care and attention? I wonder what Mis Mas's plan for those girls are...

Had not yet received any information about Deggendorf. other than its a 'kampung'. :|

Heres the map of Bavaria, in case you dont know what im talking about.

[Bayern Map. Munich, the red dot. Regensburg, middle right. Deggendorf further right. Weilheim, under Munich to the left]

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 32 of 366: Curriculum Vitae

[Guess who?]

Today, class as usual. after German class, we filled up the CV or Curriculum Vitae and Filled up the VISA application. Both of these forms are auf Deutsch (in German) :OOO
Lucky Miss Mila was there to guide us on how to fill the forms up. zzz
Dad came to GMi to send me something. Its my toiletries that I forgot to bring from home.
In a few weeks, we're gonna have our graduation dinner. Miss Mirjam, our German guide and councellor suggested we have an after party afterwards.. got any ideas??

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Page 26 of 366: After the Results

The German A-Level Preparatory Program is one of the hardest course. Students are to take 3 Subjects (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry) in 1.5 years, where usually it would take 2 years. Plus, there's the German Language course which they must take within the 1.5 year period.

Since most of us in this program are sponsored students, we couldn't afford the study fees of this program, let alone studying abroad. That's why this scholarship is so important to us. One of the ways that we can study abroad is by getting good grades in school. We passed the SPM (Malaysian Education Certificate) and got ourselves a scholarship. Now its the A-Levels.

Yesterday the results for German A-Level was announced. out of 60+ students of our batch, 20+ didn't make it.The juniors were there in the hall as well to see their seniors results being announced. Some of us made it. but others, they aren't so lucky. It's quite shocking to see that not all of us made it.

A friend of mine came to my room that evening, we had a talk. I think I can feel what hes feeling at that time. He said he wouldn't know what he'll do. He wasn't prepared for failing. He felt blank. I had imagined if I was not able to pass the requirements of my scholar in the A-Level exam before. I felt the same way...

 I believe that there's a reason for everything that had happened. God knows best. For my friends who will go to Germany in March, to those who will continue their journey on a different path, and to myself as well. I wish you all the best! never give up, never lose faith, avoid negligence, and find your purpose. We'll meet again soon. Insyaallah.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Page 24 of 366: Gunung Ledang

Ahhh~ Today i feel like relaxing and playing my online game, after getting back from Gunung Ledang yesterday for my family vacation. I miss having vacation with my family :(

At Gunung Ledang we hiked, swim in the river, and sang karaoke. One of the highlights of the trip was when me and my sibling together with relatives go to Malacca (which is another state btw) to have Ikan Bakar and watch the Chinese New Year Celebration in Jongker Walk. 


The night was beautiful. There's even Pierre Andre who's there doing filming. my brother and sister managed to get a picture with them that night :)
The stall keepers light up fire crackers on the crowded street celebrating the start of the Chinese New Year. Foreigners I see are enjoying their time their too, hugging and wishing everyone 'Gong Xi Fa Cai' XD
(Our original intention of going there was actually to see the longest dragon in the world which was on display at the entrance of Jonker Walk. Thats where we saw Pierre Andre :O)

[maybe you can see the dragon at the back?]

Absolutely wonderful. 

Ohh.. and yesterday (after I got back home...) me, Rafieque and Ammar went to the Downtown for a stroll. We didn't buy anything though. We were just bored staying at home. zzz

Friday, January 20, 2012

Page 20 of 366: Ammar Ariffin

Hi Ammar, lama tak jumpa!

Today you saw me outside the Surau right? we went out to The Mines after the Friday Prayer. We went out with Rafieque Musa too...

[Looking up the recipe?]

You said you wanted to buy some plastic fibre (wth is that??) to make your own motorcycle cover set.. (I think its Fibre glass, Amar =.=") I felt exited because its been a long time since you've shown me your projects. I remembered a few years back, when we were kids :D you showed me a sword that you made from scrap wood from the neighbours house.

Tonight we're gonna hangout somewhere, somehow. >,<


Rafieque Musa is sick. So how then? just me and you? maybe you should invite Ismeth as well :)

...downtown Cheras maybe? XD

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Page 19 of 366: Signs of the End

Today we're going to have our Graduation photos taken at the foyer. Dress up nicely everyone!

~(0.0)~ Wonder how it's going to turn out?? Hmm..

[practicing before the real photoshoot :)]

I got home today. 3 weeks already since I last came back.
Mom got a new phone. 
Banglong told me that moms going to subscribe Uni-Fi at home. Freakin' AWESOME!! :DD
Dad told me that Abuyas gonna fly to South Korea next month. I can't come with because I have class :| 

I felt left out for some reason...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Page 16 of 366: Decorate

So you decided to see me out of the blue
Should I let you come over?
I think you’re doing fine
That girl in your arms
Does she know where you come from?

Almost made me move out of town
You don’t want me to be around
But I stayed anyway
Just in case

Finding reasons to hate you more than before
Like how you said you would call
But never at all
Got rid off your number that I know by heart

You left your things at my place
As if I have all the space
Cause you know I don’t mind
Just come back when you think it’s time

I’m all black and white inside
Monotonous from left to right
I decorate my house with things you love
Just in case you show up
In case you show up